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School Backpack

Admission Policy

Admission Policy for Riverside Academy



Riverside Academy is committed to providing an inclusive and equal opportunity admissions policy that welcomes learners from diverse ethnic, religious, and socio-economic backgrounds. The academy aims to foster a diverse and vibrant learning community that promotes academic excellence and personal growth. This policy outlines the admission criteria, preferred age for enrolment, and the process for accepting learners from local and international schools.


Equal Opportunity Admissions:

Riverside Academy subscribes to an equal opportunity admissions policy, ensuring that all learners, regardless of their background, can enrol at the school. The academy does not discriminate based on ethnicity, religion, or socio-economic status, and seeks to create a welcoming and supportive environment for all students.


Preferred Age for Admission:

The preferred age for admission to Riverside Academy is two (2) years. This early entry age allows young learners to benefit from a nurturing and stimulating educational environment, laying the foundation for their academic journey.


Admission for Transfer Students:

Learners of any age transferring from other local and international schools with proven academic credentials, including cumulative records, transfer certificates, and good testimonials, are eligible to apply for admission to Riverside Academy. However, transfer students will be required to pass Riverside entry assessments in Mathematics, English, and Science to assess their academic proficiency and ensure a smooth integration into the school's academic programs.


Competitive Admission Process:

Admission to Riverside Academy is highly competitive due to limited vacancies and high demand for quality education. Parents or guardians seeking to enrol their children are advised to complete the application form and register for the entry assessments well in advance to secure a place for their child.


Admission Process:


1. Application Submission: Parents or guardians must complete the official application form, available on the academy's website or at the admission office.


2. Entry Assessments: Applicants will be scheduled to take entry assessments in Mathematics, English, and Science to evaluate their academic aptitude and readiness for Riverside Academy's curriculum.


3. Interview (if required): Shortlisted candidates may be invited for an interview to assess their overall suitability for the academy.


4. Notification of Acceptance: Successful applicants will receive an official letter of acceptance, outlining the next steps for enrolment.


5. Enrolment: Parents or guardians of accepted learners will be required to complete the enrolment process, including submitting necessary documents and paying the required fees.




Riverside Academy's admission policy ensures fairness, transparency, and equal opportunities for learners from diverse backgrounds. The academy is dedicated to providing a nurturing and academically challenging environment that enables all students to thrive and reach their full potential.


Updated: July 21, 2023



Visit the school for an admission invoice form and prospectus.


For entry assessment, please bring learner along with relevant documents such as;  two terms’ report cards (most current), cumulative records, health report where necessary etc

admission offer

If eligible for admission, pay admission fees and complete a New Admissions Form obtainable from the school secretary. 

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